Sorting of beverage packages


The appropriate sorting of beverage packages ensures that the recyclable material remains so clean that new food packages can be made of it. 

Cans and plastic bottles

Sort cans and plastic bottles separately.

Return cans (also non-deposit) intact and empty in a Palpa manual bag (red print).

Return only plastic bottles with Palpa's deposit marking intact and empty in a Palpa manual bag.

Non-deposit plastic bottles must not be sorted into deposit material, as the recyclability of the material cannot be guaranteed. 
Non-deposit plastic bottles can be recycled by returning them to a plastic collection point, as an energy fraction or as mixed waste.

The manual bag should be tightly closed with a tie band. Between the tie band and the edge of the bag should be left about 30 cm. An overpacked bag may open or break during transport.

Glass bottles

Sort only beverage bottles of glass into a glass container.

Return glass bottles intact and empty.

Note! Glass bottles must not be returned in a manual bag. Pieces of broken glass can be a large health and safety risk for the driver and for the personnel in the processing plant.

Impurities prevent recycling

Returns must not contain rubbish or other impurities as they will prevent recycling.

If the return is made in violation of the instructions, Palpa is entitled to sanction the return location for noncompliance with the instructions. The beverage supplier has the right to refuse to accept packaged transport units in violation of the instructions.

Remember to follow Palpa's sorting and return instructions in all returns.

Return instructions

Emptying service for glass bottles


Return instructions for emptying service

The emptying service instructions have been updated in early 2021 and can be found here:

See also instruction video for emptying service.

All instructions related to returns can be found in the material bank of our website.

Glass container emptying rhythm

At the emptying service, the glass containers are emptied at the
return location in the agreed emptying rhythm. The current emptying rhythm and driving date can be checked in the emptying service section of Palpa Extranet service.

If you do not have a username for the Extranet service, you can order them at [email protected].

If you need to change driving days or emptying rhythm, you can contact your service provider directly. Contact information can be found in the emptying service section of the Extranet service.

Sorting of beverage packages

The appropriate sorting of beverage packages ensures that the recyclable material remains so clean that new food packages can be made of it. 

Sort only bottles of glass into a glass container. Return glass bottles intact and empty. Drink residues from glass bottles contaminate the glass container and cause for example fly problems in the summertime.

NOTE! It is not allowed to put cans, plastic bottles, ceramic bottles, porcelain, garbage or other glass material (drinking glasses) into a container. 

Impurities prevent the glass material from being recycled

Returns must not contain garbage or other impurities as they will prevent recycling.

If the return does not comply with Palpa's instructions, the driver has the right not to empty the container. The return location is responsible for emptying a container that has not been emptied due to impurities into mixed waste at its own expense if it is not possible to remove the impurities from the glass container.

Please remember to follow Palpa's sorting and return instructions in all your returns.
Sorting instruction

Customer satisfaction survey for emptying service for glass bottles 2020

The customer satisfaction survey was conducted during September-October 2020 for the retail and Horeca return locations involved in the emptying service. The questionnaire was sent to a total of 1999 return locations and 296 responses were received. We thank all respondents for their good feedback.

The recommendation percentage for Palpa's glass bottle emptying service was 74%. 

Recycling fees 2021


For cans, the recycling fee will increase 30 % (from 0,00718 € to 0,00933 €). The rise is caused by a low level in the world market price of aluminum.

The glass bottle recycling fees will be reduced by 10 % in all recycling fee categories. The finances of Palpa Lasi Oy are solid enabling the reduction in recycling fees.

The plastic bottle recycling fees will remain unchanged.


CAN     Recycling fee
1.1.2021 (vat 0%)
Aluminium can   0,00933
PLASTIC BOTTLE     Recycling fee
1.1.2021 (vat 0%)
Clear, less than 1,0 litre 0,01052
Clear, 1,0 litre or more 0,02105
Coloured, less than 1,0 litre 0,01672
Coloured, 1,0 litre or more 0,02675
Mixed material, less than 1,0 litre 0,05245
Mixed material, 1,0 litre or more 0,07867
GLASS BOTTLE   Recycling fee
1.1.2021 (vat 0%)
Retail product    
  International barcode:  
  0,5 litre or less 0,06610
  Over 0,5 litre 0,11016
  National barcode:  
  0,5 litre or less 0,06059
  Over 0,5 litre 0,10465
Horeca product
  0,5 litre or less 0,10121
  Over 0,5 litre 0,16868

Price lists are available on Palpa web site.

Price lists

Recycling fees 2020


For cans, the recycling fee will increase 30 % (from 0,00552 € to 0,00718 €). The rise is caused by a fall in the world market price of aluminum, which affects the sales revenue of the material. The value of the aluminum is not expected to rise in the near future. 

The plastic bottle recycling fee will be reduced by 15% in all recycling fee categories. The reduction is made possible by the increased demand of recycled material thus producing a good level of material revenue. 

The glass bottle recycling fee is reduced by 15% in all recycling fee categories. The finances of Palpa Lasi Oy are currently solid and the company's future financial outlook allows the reduction in recycling fees.

Beverage can Recycling fee 1.1.2020 vat0
Aluminium can 0,00718


PET bottle Recycling fee 1.1.2020, vat0
Clear, less than 1,0 litre 0,01052
Clear, 1,0 litre or more 0,02105
Coloured, less than 1,0 litre 0,01672
Coloured, 1,0 litre or more 0,02675
Mixed material, less than 1,0 litre 0,05245
Mixed material, 1,0 litre or more 0,07867


Glass bottle   Recycling fee 1.1.2020, vat0
Retail product    
  International barcode:  
  0,5 litre or less 0,07344
  Over 0,5 litre 0,12240
  Domestic barcode:  
  0,5 litre or less 0,06732
  Over 0,5 litre 0,11628
Horeca product    
  0,5 litre or less 0,11246
  Over 0,5 litre 0,18743

Price lists are available on Palpa web site.

Price lists

Design guidelines for PET bottles update 6/2019


In February 2018, Palpa published a new material specification for PET bottles, prohibiting the use of PET material in the labeling of plastic bottles, as the material poses challenges in recycling. The transition period was until 31 August 2019. Based on the feedback we have received from beverage manufacturers and importers and label manufacturers, no substitute material is available, so we accept the use of PET labels for the time being.

Design guidelines for PET bottle