Frequently asked questions
Below are listed the most frequently asked questions and answers to them.
How can I start the operations of a return location?
New suppliers register as return points with a registration form in Palpa’s Extranet. For registration instructions, see the section REGISTER A NEW RETURN LOCATION on our website. If you have any problems with registration, please contact Palpa.
Can a company register several locations at once by sending the addresses of other stations as an appendix of the application?
No. Each location must be separately registered on the Extranet.
What does it cost to register in Palpa?
There are no costs or fees attached to registering a return location to Palpa's systems. The only expenses arise from return materials which the return location acquires from the equipment suppliers.
Should a new location wait for the registration to be completed before the returning operations can begin?
The location can start the returning operations as soon as they have received the Palpa stickers required for returns from Palpa. The stickers are company-specific.
Can the refunds be directed to the old owner?
Palpa pays the refunds to the company whose PALPA sticker is used in the return. If the owner changes, the returns carried out with the stickers of the previous owner are refunded to the previous owner.
How can I change the information of a registered return location?
The main user can change the following information on the Extranet: Address, account number, e-invoice and administer user information. If the main user of a company changes, the company must report this to [email protected] so that a new Extranet account can be made for the new main user.
Always contact Palpa at [email protected] if the business ID or the official name of the company changes.
What are the processing and payment terms of Palpa’s payments?
The credit invoices are created and recorded on the 15th and the last date of each month. The due date for payment is always 21 days from the value date of the return account. PALPA pays the accounts to the bank account reported by the return point on the deadline without a separate request.
Will Palpa pay processing refunds to return locations?
Palpa will pay processing refunds to those companies that manage consumer returns and pay the deposits of deposit packages to the consumers. In accordance with the rules and regulations of recycling systems, the processing refund will compensate the expenses resulted from receiving deposit packages and paying deposits to their recipients.
What are the amounts of deposit refunds?
Cans | |
all sizes | 0,15 € |
Plastic bottles | |
0.35 l or under | 0,10 € |
over 0.35 l, under 1.0 l | 0,20 € |
minimum of 1.0 l | 0,40 € |
Glass bottles: | |
all sizes | 0,10 € |
Empty crate, no bottles | 2,20 € |
(incl. VAT)
How can I follow up my returns and monitor refunds compensated by Palpa?
Returns and refunds can be monitored on Extranet and on the credit notes sent by Palpa. For more information please visit the MONEY TRANSACTIONS page.
Why is my return not visible in Extranet?
If return information cannot be found in the sections concerning refunded or erroneous returns, the return information has not yet been transferred to Palpa. The refunding grounds of cans and plastic bottles are derived from the calculation information of the processing plant, and the refunding grounds of glass bottles is derived from the transport information of glass containers.
How can I issue a complaint on a missing refund?
Complaints regarding manual returns are made through PALPA’s Extranet. More information available in the Extranet user guide.
What are the No Read, Tunnistamaton and Hylätty packages in the return account?
No Read is a package whose barcode is unreadable or not found. A Tunnistamaton/Pantiton package is a package that has a barcode but is not included in deposit packages. Hylätty is a package of the wrong recycling material in the return, i.e. a can amongst plastic bottles.
Will I receive a refund even though the return has no Palpa sticker?
Each departing transportation unit must be marked with a Palpa sticker. If there is no sticker on the return, the driver must not accept it, the driver will not receive transportation compensation for unmarked units.
If a Palpa sticker is missing from a manual return (cans, plastic bottles and glass containers), the return point will not receive a deposit refund.
Will I receive a refund even though a glass container return has the Palpa sticker of a wrong returner?
In manual returns, the recipient of the refund is only known from the Palpa sticker. If a glass container has many readable sticker, the refund may be directed to a wrong return point.
In the manual return of glass, it is important to remember to place the Palpa sticker to the tie-band on the handle of the container and to check that there are no other readable stickers from the previous users on the container.
The driver must not accept glass containers that are not marked with a Palpa sticker. If, however, a driver has accepted a glass container that does not have a sticker, the return location must contact Palpa.
Will I receive a refund if the same return unit has both cans and plastic bottles?
Cans are packed in their own bag and plastic bottles in their own. In manual returns, Palpa will only refund the recyclable fraction that is more numerous in a bag of mixed packaging.
Can I return non-deposit plastic bottles, glass bottles and cans with the deposit packages of Palpa?
Do not put non-deposit plastic bottles in PALPA’s transportation units; instead, put them in the energy fraction.
It may sometimes be difficult to determine whether a glass bottle contains a deposit (all bottles do not contain deposit markings), which is why all beverage bottles made of glass can be returned in Palpa’s glass container. Do not put ceramic dishes (mugs, coffee cups, etc.), other glass packages (glass jars, drinking glasses, pints, etc.) or any other glass materials besides glass bottles in Palpa’s glass containers.
Deposit and non-deposit cans are the same material and they can be returned in the same Palpa’s transportation unit.
Can I pack all plastic bottles in the same transportation unit?
All plastic bottles marked with Palpa’s deposit marking can be put in the same transportation unit, regardless of their size.
What is the final return date of cans marked with the old arrow marking?
The deposit of cans marked with an arrow will not expire, and they have no final return date.
Where can I order transport for full transportation units?
The drivers of beverage suppliers pick up full transportation units when delivering beverages. Therefore, there is no need for separate orders.
What do I do with broken glass containers?
Broken and unusable extra glass containers should be returned to the beverage supplier. The container deposit will also be refunded for these containers to the returner.
On which basis does Palpa refund manual returns?
For cans and recyclable plastic bottles, the manual returns are directed to an automatic calculation line of a processing plant which identifies and counts the contents of the bag.
The manual returns of glass bottles are not calculated; instead, the size of the glass container and the amount of content act as the basis for refunding. Standard grounds for refunds 1.7.2017 onwards: The refund of a 600-litre container is 420 bottles, the refund of a full 240-litre container is 180 bottles, and the refund of a 240-litre container that is not full is 90 bottles.
Does it matter in which transportation unit the returns are packed in manual return?
The manual returns of cans and plastic bottles must always be returned in manual return bags (red markings). The packages returned in a manual return bag are directed for counting at the processing plant. The loads arriving at the processing plant are sorted to separate the manual bags from other transportation units. The manual bags are counted at the calculation line and the return point will be refunded on the basis of the calculations. The packages returned in bags for automatic returns and Palpa boxes are baled directly without counting.
Please contact Palpa regarding packages returned in wrong transport units.
Where can I order Palpa stickers?
You can order Palpa stickers from Palpa’s Extranet or from [email protected]
Where can I order bags and tie-bands?
You can order packaging materials from the equipment suppliers listed here: Horeca
Where can I order glass containers?
Empty containers can be ordered from beverage suppliers or wholesaler when submitting beverage orders.
Please find contact details here: Horeca