What kind of packaging can be returned?
There are four different types of beverage packages that can be recycled through the deposit-return systems in Finland: aluminum cans, PET plastic bottles, recyclable glass bottles and refillable glass bottles.

Aluminium can
Aluminium cans are light and unbreakable and therefore popular packaging material. The aluminium used in cans is an excellent material in terms of recycling. A can is disposable, but the aluminium used for it can be reused almost infinitely. Recycling an aluminium can consumes about 95% less energy than producing it from virgin raw material.
When you return...
- Return the can intact and empty. The reverse vending machines do not issue deposits for crushed cans.
- The value of the deposit for all aluminium cans is €0.15.

Recyclable plastic bottle
Recyclable plastic bottles are made of PET plastic. PET plastic is easy and efficient to recycle and can be utilised in many ways. The recycled raw material is used to manufacture new bottles and packaging materials, among other things.
When you return...
Return the bottle with a label intact and empty.
Empty plastic bottles are returned with their caps on: this way the caps are also recycled.
The value of the deposit is €0.10, 0.20 or 0.40 depending on the size of the plastic bottle.

Recyclable glass bottles
Glass can be recycled almost indefinitely. The raw material of the recycled glass bottles can be utilised in a variety of ways. The remanufacturing of recyclable glass is energy efficient: each ton of recyclable glass made from recycled glass raw material consumes about 30% less energy than producing it from virgin raw material.
When you return...
The deposit paid is returned when you return bottles with a deposit. Also make sure that the label is intact.
The value of the deposit for all glass bottles is €0.10.
Refillable glass bottles
Refillable glass bottles have their own return system. More information about this system can be found on the Ekopullo website.
The cans and plastic bottles that have a deposit can be easily identified from the oval deposit marking on the package. It also tells the value of deposit. Glass bottles do not always have a deposit marking. The deposit of those glass bottles can be checked from the price tag on the shelf or the receipt. You can also check them using Palpa’s Check deposit tool.
Beverage containers connected to the return systems maintained by Palpa can be returned to all retail reverse vending machines in Finland. All stores, kiosks and service stations that sell containers with deposits to consumers are also obliged to accept the returns. The obligation to take back empty containers applies regardless of whether there is a reverse vending machine at the selling point or not.
What do you recycle?
What containers with a deposit do you return?
What makes you return the beverage containers with a deposit?
Would you return the beverage package without receiving a deposit?
Did you know that caps should also be returned with the bottle and that they are also recycled?
How often do you return bottles and cans?
Did you know that Alko glass bottles can be returned to any reverse vending machine?
You are an exemplary recycler!
The well-being of the environment is important to you and you are able to sort waste conscientiously. You would take bottles and cans to the reverse vending machine even if you didn’t get a deposit, wouldn’t you?
The majority of Finns (91%) say that they return all or almost all beverage containers with deposits. Environmental reasons are important, although a deposit is the most effective motivator for returning bottles and cans. Still, up to seven out of ten Finns would return the packages, even if no deposit was paid for them. Finns also recycle other materials, such as glass, paper, batteries, metals, plastics and cardboard, quite efficiently.
If you want to know more about the deposit-return system of beverage packaging and the recycling system, check out palpa.fi. See you at the reverse vending machine!
The data are based on a survey commissioned by Suomen Palautuspakkaus Oy and carried out by TNS Kantar in June 2020. In total, 2,157 people aged 15–74 responded to the survey.
You are no stranger to environmental issues; you are a proper recycler.
Maybe the deposit is the motivator for you to go to the reverse vending machine, maybe environmental reasons. The main thing is that packaging recycling is part of your everyday life!
The majority of Finns (91%) say that they return all or almost all beverage containers with deposits. Environmental reasons are important, although a deposit is the biggest motivator for returning bottles and cans. Still, up to seven out of ten Finns would return the packages, even if no deposit was paid for them. Finns also recycle other materials, such as glass, paper, batteries, metals, plastics and cardboard, quite efficiently.
If you want to know more about the deposit-return system of beverage packaging and the recycling system, check out palpa.fi. See you at the reverse vending machine!
The data are based on a survey commissioned by Suomen Palautuspakkaus Oy and carried out by TNS Kantar in June 2020. In total, 2,157 people aged 15–74 responded to the survey.
Returning bottles and sorting waste don’t seem to be part of your favourite chores?
Recycling is actually pretty easy, and it’s worth starting with returning your beverage packaging – it’s also rewarded with a deposit!
The majority of Finns (91%) say that they return all or almost all beverage containers with deposits. Environmental reasons are important, although a deposit is the biggest motivator for returning bottles and cans. Still, up to seven out of ten Finns would return the packages, even if no deposit was paid for them. Finns also recycle other materials, such as glass, paper, batteries, metals, plastics and cardboard, quite efficiently.
If you want to know more about the deposit-return system of beverage packaging and the recycling system, check out palpa.fi. See you at the reverse vending machine!
The data are based on a survey commissioned by Suomen Palautuspakkaus Oy and carried out by TNS Kantar in June 2020. In total, 2,157 people aged 15–74 responded to the survey.